Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Receiving DIY gift!

I absolutely love receiving DIY gifts from people! It shows you that they used a lot of their time and energy to make you a gift that came straight from the heart! This past June was my four year anniversary with my boyfriend, Jason. He knew that I was putting in a lot of effort into our gardens around the house and made me the most beautiful DIY gift!

I had seen something like this on Pinterest a while back and showed it to Jason and told him how creative I thought it was. I was absolutely shocked when I found out that this was what my surprise was! (Good job, babe!)

One of the best parts about this gift was that Jason took the time to carve a little message into the side of the log for me.
It is a little difficult to see in the picture, but he carved "Happy Anniversary Paige -2014"

I have to admit, this may be my favorite gift from Jason because it has so much thought behind it. He took the time to find the perfect log, carve it out and pick out the flowers! He's such a hunk! 

Has anyone received a DIY gift that they are fond of? If so, share in the comments below!


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